Pak Yeung -
Founder & Managing Director
After 6 years of study in Canada, Pak started his career development in one
of the top PCB manufacturers, he earned 4 years of fruitful experience in
the manufacturer's Hong Kong and Thailand plants.
He then advanced his career in the Telecommunications industry. Pak was
able to grasp the opportunity yielded from the rapid growth of mobile phone
& service markets, he had a wonderful career development in HK Telecom's
mobile service subsidiary.
As one of the pioneers in mobile banking service, Pak was then recruited by
banking institutions to manage their e-Channel Development and Strategic
Planning Departments.
In 2003, Pak established a project management company to assist his clients'
in marketing project development, and later he invited Anne to jointly form
"Pro-Am Alliance Limited" for serving foreign clients in POP displays
Pak is a lover of lucious food and with a serious interest in gastronomy.
Anne Yun
- Business Development Director & Co-founder

Anne is the founding partner at Pro-Am Alliance Limited.
Anne received her Bachelor Degree of Business from the
University of Alberta in Canada, majoring in Marketing.
After 7 years of stay in Canada, she has returned to her
place of birth - the exciting city of Hong Kong.
International business experiences in injection molding,
kitchen wares, flexible packaging and POP displays.
Loves to challenge herself with scuba diving and underwater photographing.
Chinchillas are her pet buddies. However, Pro-Am remains her favorite pursuit.